Markus Winand's Blog

Posts Tagged ‘oracle’

Finding the Best Match With a Top-N Query

In Performance on 2010-09-29 at 11:16

There was an interesting index related performance problem on Stack Overflow recently. The problem was to check an input string against a table that holds about 2000 prefix patterns (e.g., LIKE 'xyz%'). A fast select is needed that returns one row if any pattern matches the input string, or no row otherwise.

I believe my solution is worth a few extra words to explain it in more detail. Even though it’s a perfect fit for Use The Index, Luke it’s a little early to put it as an exercise there. It is, however, a very good complement to my previous article Analytic Top-N queries—so I put it here.

Although the problem was raised for a MySQL database, my solution applies to all databases that can properly optimize Top-N queries.

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Analytic Top-N Queries

In Maintainability, Performance on 2010-07-30 at 10:55

One of the more advanced tricks I like to exploit are analytic Top-N queries. Although I am using them for quite a while, I recently discovered a “limitation” that I was not aware of. Actually—to be honest—it’s not a limitation; it is a missing optimization in a rarely used feature that can easily worked around. I must admit that I ask for quite a lot in that case.

The article starts with a general introduction into Top-N queries, applies that technique to analytic queries and explains the case where I miss an optimization. But is is really worth all that efforts? The article concludes with my answer to that question.

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Analyze That

In Performance on 2010-04-30 at 17:03

As Jonathan Lewis commented on my article Clustering Factor: Row Migrtion’s Victim, there is even more to say about the difference between the good, old, and deprecated ANALYZE statement and the DBMS_STATS package. Jonathan mentioned that the CBO is using the CHAIN_CNT value in the statistics, if present, and suggested to try my “trapQL” after analyzing the base table in the old fashion.

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Clustering Factor: Row Migration’s Victim

In Performance on 2010-03-09 at 10:15

This article describes the effects of a high row migration rate on the clustering factor and the optimizer’s ability to select the best execution plan.

In my previous article—Row Migration and Row Movement—I have demonstrated that the “insert empty, update everything” anti-pattern can lead to 100% row migration. This article continues the research on row migration and unveils surprising effects on the clustering factor. To be precise, the clustering factor can become completely bogus in presence of a very high row migration rate. Once the clustering factor is “wrong”, it’s just a finger exercise to construct an optimizer trap and proof that row migration can affect the query plan.

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Row Migration and Row Movement

In Performance on 2010-02-23 at 10:52

The Oracle database knows three distinct processes that are easily mixed up: Row Chaining, Row Migration and Row Movement.

Luckily all three are well described in excellent articles: The Secrets of Oracle Row Chaining and Migration and Row Movement in Oracle.

For the impatient, I provide some very short definitions:

Row Chaining
Distribution of a single table row across multiple data blocks.
Row Migration
Relocation of an entire table row to a new place, without updating the indexes.
Row Movement
Relocation of an entire table row to a new place and updating the indexes.

This article was inspired by the question if Oracle 11r2 performs Row Movement instead of Row Migration for ordinary UPDATE statements—that is, in absence of partitions. The short answer is: no, it doesn’t. The long answer is the rest of this article.

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Oracle Trace File Rotation

In Maintainability on 2010-02-01 at 17:30

Under very rare circumstances, I need Oracle SQL trace files from a long period of time. Because trace files usually grow large—especially over several days—there is the need to rotate the trace file during that time so that they can be compressed and put away. The problem is that there is no “rotate tracefile“ button in Oracle. However, I have found a “undocumented feature“ that does exactly that—without disabling tracing.

My procedure uses the close_trace call of oradebug. This call closes the currently written trace file for a session. Alex Gorbachev has used this to delete big trace files that are still open. My procedure goes a little bit further and exposes one more side effect of oradebug close_trace.

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Oracle JDBC PreFetch Portability

In Portability on 2010-01-29 at 14:23

In a previous article about (network) latencies, I have presented the OracleStatement.setRowPrefetch() method to reduce round trips for SELECT statements. I must admit that I was a little bit wrong. Not in the essence; increasing the PreFetch size is still a great (read: simple) way to reduce latencies. However, there is a better approach to set the PreFetch size. Read the rest of this entry »

Latency: Security vs. Performance

In Performance on 2009-12-22 at 08:01

I have witnessed a very short talk between a network engineer and a top-level manager at a client’s Christmas party. The network guy explained that the firewall adds about 0.2 milliseconds latency to each round trip between the application server and the database, which adds up to some hours in one particular case. So the manager asked what could be done and the network guy provided two solutions:

  • Change the application to make less round trips
  • Accept the security risk and don’t put a firewall in between those two tiers

Funny enough the network guy explained that the second option needs the managers signature because it bypasses the corporate security guidelines and somebody must take the responsibility for that.

Consider you are the manager, would you sign that a paper?

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To Trace or Not to Trace

In Maintainability on 2009-11-24 at 17:49

I have always been a fan of the oracle SQL trace facility. It’s a very powerful method to analyze performance problems, especially if you don’t know the application very well. If you don’t know oracle SQL tracing yet, you will find some info at orafaq and some more details at orable-base. Obviously, Oracle has also some documenation about it.

In short, the Oracle SQL tracing facility causes the database server to write all executed SQL statements to a file for later analysis. One of the main issues with SQL tracing is the huge size of the trace files; every statement execution is logged, potentially with additional data about the execution plan, wait events, and bind values.

This article introduces the new possibilities of Oracle 10g to enable tracing on a very fine level. With a properly instrumented application, tracing can be enabled for specific users or program modules only. With such a fine control over the tracing, the generated data volume can be kept small and SQL tracing becomes a much more useful tool.

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Pipelined Functions: Better Than DBMS_OUTPUT

In Portability on 2009-11-11 at 15:36

Every now and then I need some PL/SQL that prints something to the terminal. The traditional solution for this is DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. If you used it before, you probably know that there are some obstacles:

  • Don’t forget to set serveroutput on
  • Don’t forget to set an appropriate buffer size (but there is still a absolute maximum)
  • Don’t wonder about missing blanks
  • No way to flush the output

In case you don’t know yet, the first three can be taken care of by issuing the following in SQL*Plus:

set serveroutput on size 1000000 format wrapped;

However, the absolute buffer size limit remains. The years have passed, and the limitations were accepted. Until I noticed that there is an alternative.